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NGT Jeb Next Generation Tackle ir Angļu tūrisma preču zīmols kas dibināts 2002. gadā! Līdz šodienai par klientiem kļuvuši simtiem tūkstoši makšķernieku un dabas mīļu gan Anglijā gan pasaulē! Tagad esam kļuvuši arī par Sportex, Shimano, Daiwa, Katran, Trakker, Fox, Dynamite Baits, Ccmoore, Nash, Korda, Wolf, Mainline, Ridge Monkey un citu zīmolu pārstāvjiem!
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Meklē mūs arī:
NASH Strawberry Crush Boilies - Zemeņu Boilas - 12mm/15mm 1kg
NASH Strawberry Crush Boilies - Zemeņu Boilas
High leakage base mix with added Spanish tiger nut meal, bird foods and milk powder. Ethyl alcohol strawberry, Strawberry Oil Palatant, glycerol based Strawberry flavour, Scopex No.1, Red Liver Oil and sweetener liquid attractor package.
One of the most complex attractor packages yet in an Instant Action recipe, Strawberry Crush uses a blend of three strawberry attractors on different solvent bases, including a highly soluble ethyl alcohol strawberry, the famed Nash Strawberry Oil Palatant, and a traditional glycerol based flavour.
Combined with Scopex No.1 the result is a rounded, rich fruit bait releasing a timeline of attractors in all temperatures and is a proven cold water winner. A pastel pink finish prevents spooking on hard fished venues that have seen years of bright baits, and mimics older washed out offerings.
Strawberry Crush base mix is boosted with milk powder, low level tiger nut meal and completed with liver to boost results significantly. Two sweeteners including Talin finish this special bait with a beautiful taste – just like strawberry yoghurt!
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