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NGT Jeb Next Generation Tackle ir Angļu tūrisma preču zīmols kas dibināts 2002. gadā! Līdz šodienai par klientiem kļuvuši simtiem tūkstoši makšķernieku un dabas mīļu gan Anglijā gan pasaulē! Tagad esam kļuvuši arī par Sportex, Shimano, Daiwa, Katran, Trakker, Fox, Dynamite Baits, Ccmoore, Nash, Korda, Wolf, Mainline, Ridge Monkey un citu zīmolu pārstāvjiem!
We offer delivery of our fishing gear and other tourism products also to Estonia and Lithuania!
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Meklē mūs arī:
The Crave Boilies 15mm, Crave Boilas no Dynamite - 1kg
Par produktu:
- Tunzivju milti
- Sardīņu un anšovu milti
- Haiths Robin Red®
- Haiths Nectar Blend®
- Sarkanais faktors
- Ekskluzīva koncentrēta garneļu pasta
- Ziemas laša eļļa
- Šķidrās aknas
The Crave Boilies
About the Product
The Ultimate Shellfish Based Boilie with excellent palatability
A fishmeal carp fishing boilie with a difference created with Terry Hearn. Naturally high in protein The Crave is a shellfish boilie based around a blend of tuna meal, anchovy meal, a concentrated soluble shrimp paste, and two of Terry’s all-time favourite secret flavours.
A comprehensive year round food source with instant attraction – The Crave offers unrivalled nutrition, palatability and digestibility thanks in part also to the winterised salmon oil and the finest liquid liver. With a basemix made from the finest and freshest pre-digested fish-meals along with Haith’s® world famous Robin Red® and bird-food blends we have a fishmeal boilie that very quickly stimulates and promotes a sustained feeding response even in cold water.
The Crave has developed a cult following not only with carpers but with barbel anglers too. Confidence in ‘The Crave’ can be assured and a snowman set up with a washed out pink Crave pop up has been the downfall of many unsuspecting carp. Confidence in The Crave can be assured! Another soft textured boilie which we make no excuse for The Crave is available as hardened hook-baits as part of a wide range to suit every situation – including dumbells, cork ball pop ups and wafters, and re-hydration liquid.
- Tuna meal
- Sardine & Anchovy meal
- Haiths Robin Red®
- Haiths Nectar Blend®
- Red Factor
- Exclusive concentrated shrimp paste
- Winterised salmon oil
- Liquid liver
Pirkumu grozs
Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.