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NGT Jeb Next Generation Tackle ir Angļu tūrisma preču zīmols kas dibināts 2002. gadā! Līdz šodienai par klientiem kļuvuši simtiem tūkstoši makšķernieku un dabas mīļu gan Anglijā gan pasaulē! Tagad esam kļuvuši arī par Sportex, Shimano, Daiwa, Katran, Trakker, Fox, Dynamite Baits, Ccmoore, Nash, Korda, Wolf, Mainline, Ridge Monkey un citu zīmolu pārstāvjiem!
We offer delivery of our fishing gear and other tourism products also to Estonia and Lithuania!
Pieņemam maksājumus ar bankas karti, pārskaitījumu kā arī ar bankas karti un skaidrā naudā uz vietas veikalā.
Meklē mūs arī:
FEED STIMULANTS Haith’s Robin Red® HB 250GR
Haith’s Robin Red HB® (hook bait), original
Robin Red® has been established for several decades and is justifiably acknowledged as one of the most popular and attractive boilie ingredients ever.
Robin Red® is a potent blend of spices, sugars, peppers and oils.
Originally used as an additive to color the feathers of birds like canaries.
It subsequently became popular among numerous small-scale bait companies that emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Robin Red will give your baits a deep, satisfying red tone and colour enhances the scent and taste of every kind of boilie, be it fishmeal, milk protein, or bird food.
Dosage 10-20% of the total mix, please note that this is only allowed to be used in hook bait (lures) that will not be digested.
Feedstimulants is an approved supplier of Haith’s Robin Red® as agreed with Haith’s
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