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Izmanto 10% papildus atlaidi visām precēm (izņemot izpārdošanas un ekskluzīvajām precēm) ar mūsu klientu karti. Klientu karti vari iegūt veikalā Duntes ielā 5, izdarot pasūtījumu un pie papildinformācijas norādot ka vēlies saņemt karti, vai pierakstoties e-pastu jaunumu saņemšanai!
NGT Jeb Next Generation Tackle ir Angļu tūrisma preču zīmols kas dibināts 2002. gadā! Līdz šodienai par klientiem kļuvuši simtiem tūkstoši makšķernieku un dabas mīļu gan Anglijā gan pasaulē! Tagad esam kļuvuši arī par Sportex, Shimano, Daiwa, Katran, Trakker, Fox, Dynamite Baits, Ccmoore, Nash, Korda, Wolf, Mainline, Ridge Monkey un citu zīmolu pārstāvjiem!
We offer delivery of our fishing gear and other tourism products also to Estonia and Lithuania!
Pieņemam maksājumus ar bankas karti, pārskaitījumu kā arī ar bankas karti un skaidrā naudā uz vietas veikalā.
Meklē mūs arī:
CCMoore Boilu pasta, 3 garšas, Live Systems, Odyssey un Pacific Tuna
Šis produkts ir pieejams tikai iepriekšpasūtīšanai.
Uz boilu bāzes veidota ūdenī lēni šķīstoša pasta no CCmoore ko var izmantot gan lai tajā ietītu svinu, gan boilas papildus pievilināšanai. 300g iepakojums
REF: 94510
This soft, pliable, highly attractive boilie paste is made using the same recipe as Pacific Tuna Shelf Life Boilies but contains less egg to make it extremely soluble and active in even the coldest conditions. This ready to use paste can be wrapped around your lead or hookbait or introduced into your swim as individual, high-attract freebies.
REF: 94505
This soft, pliable, highly attractive boilie paste is made using the same recipe as Live System Shelf Life Boilies but contains less egg to make it extremely soluble and active in even the coldest conditions. This ready to use paste can be wrapped around your lead or hookbait or introduced into your swim as individual, high-attract freebies.
REF: 94508
This soft, pliable, highly attractive boilie paste is made using the same recipe as Odyssey XXX Shelf Life Boilies but contains less egg to make it extremely soluble and active in even the coldest conditions. This ready to use paste can be wrapped around your lead or hookbait or introduced into your swim as individual, high-attract freebies.
Pirkumu grozs
Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.