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Meklē mūs arī:
SHIMANO Baitrunner ST 10000 RB Rear Drag, Karpu un fīdera spole ar baitrunner
Šis produkts pieejams tikai iepriekšpārdošanā.
Galvenie punkti:
Sākuma līmeņa BAITRUNNER spole 6000 un 10000 izmēros. Abiem modeļiem ir līdzsvarots dubults rokturis. XT-7 korpuss un rotors ar melnu kosmētisko dizainu. Pārnesumu attiecība 4,6: 1 nodrošina papildu tinumu jaudu. Super Stopper II tūlītējai un bezgalīgai atpakaļgaitas. Auklas izvilkšana vienā roktura pagriezienā: izmērs 6000 - 85 cm, izmērs 10000 - 87 cm
Produkta apraksts:
Makšķerniekiem, kuri vēlas uzticamu Shimano Baitrunner tehnoloģiju par nelielu budžetu, jaunā Baitrunner ST-RB ir lieliska izvēle.
Nenovērtēta grafika, kas atbilst jaunākajām karpu makšķerēšanas tendencēm, tradicionālā, viegli lietojamā aizmugurējā Baitrunner sistēma, līdzsvarotais dubultais rokturis, alumīnija AR-C spole un Varispeed auklas plakne, apvieno to visu, lai radītu izdevīgu spoli ar lielu uzticamību. 6000 izmērs padara lielisku paraugzivju un specializētu karpu makšķerēšanas spoli, kas piemērota vidēja izmēra karpu, bārbeļu, līņu un plēsīgo ēsmu zvejai līdakām un zandartiem, savukārt lielāks 10000 izmērs ir vairāk piemērots lielākām zivīm gan no lieliem, gan maziem ūdeņiem. Abām spolēm ir jaudīga pārnesumu attiecība 4,6: 1, kas nodrošina lielu jaudu, velkot lielas zivis.
- Bail
- Yes
- Parallel Body
- No
- No
- Brake Lever
- No
- Drag Type
- Baitrunner
- Line Clip
- Yes
- Floating Shaft
- No
- Counter clockwise rotor rotation
- Yes
- Spare Spool Push Button release
- No
- Spool Push Button release
- No
- A/R Lever
- Yes
- Type of Handle Shank
- Double
- Super Stopper
- Super Stopper II
- Spool Type
- AR-C spool
- Maintenance Port on body
- No
- BB Others
- 1
- Drive Gear Material
- Zinc DC
- Drag Position
- Rear
- Material Body
- XT7
- Bail Arm Maintenance Port
- No
- Spare Handle Knob
- No
- Bulk
- No
- Rotor Material
- XT7
- Oscillation Type
- Varispeed
- No
- Spare Spool
- No
- Line reducer
- No
- Clampack
- No
- A-RB/SA-RB or Not
- No A-RB
- Type of Bail Stamping
- Cap
- Oscillation Speed
- Regular
- Bail Material
- G FREE Body
- No
- Rigid Support Drag
- No
- Water Proof Drag
- No
- BB Total
- 1
- Spool Material
- Plastic
- DLC Line Roller Surface Finishing
- No
- No
- Small Box
- Yes
- Screw-less Body design
- No
- Line Safety Guard
- No
- Type of Reel
- Spinning
- Maximum Drag Force (kg)
- 6
- No
- Line Capacity main spool Nylon(mm-m)(Mono)
- 0.30-500/0.35-350/0.40-250
- Discipline Detail
- Free Spool (Btr)
- Weight JP/EU Model g
- 555 g
- No
- DynaBalance
- Yes
- Line Capacity main spool Nylon(lb-yd)(Mono)
- 10-545/12-430/14-325
- Spool Size
- 10000
- MicroModule
- No
- Power Roller
- Yes
- Reel Series Name
- Baitrunner ST RB
- Environment Usage
- FW
- X Ship
- No
- Gear ratio 1
- 4.6:1
- SW Concept
- No
- Silent Drive
- No
- Line Retrieve/Crank cm
- 87
Key points
- Entry-level BAITRUNNER reel in 6000 and 10000 size. Balanced double handle on both models. XT-7 body and rotor with understated black cosmetics. 4.6:1 gear ratio delivers extra winding power. Super Stopper II for instant and infinite anti-reverse. Line retrieve per handle turn: size 6000 - 85cm, size 10000 - 87cm
Product description
For anglers wanting reliable Shimano Baitrunner technology on a small budget, the new Baitrunner ST-RB is the natural choice.
For anglers wanting reliable Shimano Baitrunner technology on a small budget, the new Baitrunner ST-RB is the natural choice. Understated graphics, in keeping with the latest trends in carp fishing, a traditional easy-to-use rear Baitrunner system, balanced double handle, aluminium AR-C spool and Varispeed line lay all combine to produce an affordable reel with lots of credibility. The 6000 size makes a great specimen and specialist fishing reel suitable for medium sized carp, barbel, tench and predator bait fishing for pike and zander, whilst the larger 10000 size is more suitable for larger fish from both large and small waters alike. Both reels have a powerful 4.6:1 gear ratio which delivers plenty of power when playing large fish.
Pirkumu grozs
Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.