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Meklē mūs arī:
SHIMANO Baitrunner XT 10000 RB Rear Drag, Karpu un fīdera spole ar baitrunner
Šis produkts pieejams tikai iepriekšpārdošanā.
Galvenie punkti
Satriecošs, melns dizains ar papildu hroma detaļām. Aero Wrap un 2 ātrumu svārstības nodrošina izcilu auklas novietojumu vienmērīgākai un tālākai mešanai. AR-C spole labākai mešanas veiktspējai. Hibrīda XT-7 un alumīnija korpuss izturībai un samazinātam svaram. Dynabalance nodrošina lielisku līdzsvaru, veicot makšķerēšanu lielā ātrumā. Auklas izvilkšana vienā roktura pagriezienā: izmērs 6000 - 85 cm, izmērs 8000 - 87 cm, izmērs 10000 - 88 cm
Produkta apraksts
Ar augstas klases dizainu un lielisku auklas klājumu, pateicoties Aero Wrap II, XT-RB ir viens no vislabāk pārdotajiem Baitrunner.
Populārā Baitrunner XT klāsta jaunākā versija ir saņēmusi dizaina jauninājumus un ir uzlabota. Auklas vadību tagad kontrolē Aero Wrap II ar 2 ātrumu svārstībām, lai nodrošinātu nevainojamu auklas novietošanu, kas savukārt palielina mešanas veiktspēju. Vēl viens uzlabojums ir hibrīda alumīnija korpuss, kas ir izturīgāks un vieglāks nekā iepriekšējā RA versija. Pieejams 6000, 8000 un 10000 izmēros, Baitrunner XT-RB piedāvā karpu makšķerniekiem dažādu izmēru izvēli atbilstoši savām vēlmēm par ļoti pieņemamu cenu.
- Bail
- Yes
- Parallel Body
- No
- No
- Brake Lever
- No
- Drag Type
- Baitrunner
- Line Clip
- Yes
- Floating Shaft
- Yes
- Counter clockwise rotor rotation
- Yes
- Spare Spool Push Button release
- No
- Spool Push Button release
- No
- A/R Lever
- Yes
- Type of Handle Shank
- Double
- Super Stopper
- Super Stopper II
- Spool Type
- AR-C spool
- Maintenance Port on body
- Yes
- BB Others
- 4
- Drive Gear Material
- Zinc DC
- Drag Position
- Rear
- Material Body
- XT7
- Bail Arm Maintenance Port
- No
- Spare Handle Knob
- No
- Bulk
- No
- Rotor Material
- XT7
- Line Capacity spare spool Nylon(mm-m)(Mono)
- 0.30-510/0.35-380/0.40-260
- Oscillation Type
- Aero wrap II
- Spare spool type
- AR-C spool
- No
- Spare Spool
- Yes
- Line reducer
- No
- Clampack
- No
- A-RB/SA-RB or Not
- No A-RB
- Type of Bail Stamping
- Cap
- Oscillation Speed
- Regular
- Bail Material
- G FREE Body
- No
- Spare Spool Material
- Aluminium cold forged
- Rigid Support Drag
- No
- Water Proof Drag
- No
- BB Total
- 4
- Spool Material
- Aluminium cold forged
- DLC Line Roller Surface Finishing
- No
- No
- Small Box
- Yes
- Screw-less Body design
- No
- Line Safety Guard
- No
- Type of Reel
- Spinning
- Maximum Drag Force (kg)
- 6
- No
- Line Capacity main spool Nylon(mm-m)(Mono)
- 0.30-510/0.35-380/0.40-260
- Discipline Detail
- Free Spool (Btr)
- Weight JP/EU Model g
- 610 g
- No
- DynaBalance
- Yes
- Line Capacity main spool Nylon(lb-yd)(Mono)
- 10-510/12-420/14-350/16-290/20-210
- Spool Size
- 10000
- MicroModule
- No
- Power Roller
- Yes
- Reel Series Name
- Baitrunner XT RB
- Environment Usage
- FW
- X Ship
- No
- Gear ratio 1
- 4.6:1
- SW Concept
- No
- Silent Drive
- No
- Line Retrieve/Crank cm
- 88
Key points
- Stunning understated black cosmetics with additional chrome detailing. Aero Wrap and 2-speed oscillation providing outstanding line lay for smoother and longer casting. AR-C spool for increased casting performance. Hybrid XT-7 and Aluminium body for strength and reduced weight. Dynabalance gives excellent balance when retrieving at high speed. Line retrieve per handle turn: size 6000 - 85cm, size 8000 - 87cm, size 10000 - 88cm
Product description
With high-class cosmetics and excellent line lay due to Aero Wrap II, the XT-RB is one of the best selling Baitrunners available.
The latest version of the popular Baitrunner XT range has received a cosmetic face lift and has been upgraded. Line management is now controlled by Aero Wrap II with 2-speed oscillation to deliver faultless line lay which in turn increases casting performance. Another improvement is the hybrid aluminium body which is stronger and lighter than the previous 'RA' version. Available in 6000, 8000, and 10000 sizes the Baitrunner XT-RB offers carp anglers a choice of sizes to suit personal preference at a very affordable price point.
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Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.