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Meklē mūs arī:
SHIMANO Sienna 500 FG Spininga spole
Jautāt par pieejamību!
Galvenie punkti:
Ideāla izvēle makšķerniekam, kurš tikai sāk makšķerēt, vai kādam ar ierobežotu budžetu. Uzticama spole ar spēcīgu XT-7 korpusu. Gluds SHIMANO pārnesums. Alumīnija AR-C spole.
Produkta apraksts:
SIENNA ir visaptveroša spole, kas ir populāra visā pasaulē. Tā ir ideāla izvēle makšķerniekam, kurš tikai tikko sāk zvejot vai kuram ir neliels budžets, bet tomēr vēlas makšķerēt ar uzticamu spoli. Šajā segmentā tirgū ir daudz sliktas kvalitātes spininga spoles ar augstām specifikācijām (ar 10 bumbiņām. gultņi utt.). Sienna nav 10 lodīšu gultņu, taču tai piemīt kvalitāte, ar kuru pazīstams Shimano; spēcīgs un gluds Shimano pārnesums, alumīnija spole un spēcīgs XT-7 korpuss.
- Spare Spool
- No
- Spool Material
- Aluminium diecast
- Material Body
- XT7
- Line Clip
- Yes
- Rotor Material
- XT7
- Auto Bail Return
- Yes
- A/R Lever
- Yes
- Maximum Drag Force (kg)
- 2
- Reel Series Name
- Sienna FG
- Line Capacity main spool Nylon(mm-m)(Mono)
- 0.20-110
- Weight JP/EU Model g
- 195 g
- Gear ratio 1
- 5.6:1
- Spool Size
- 500
- Line Retrieve/Crank cm
- 69
Key points
- The ideal choice for an angler who is just starting fishing or for someone on a tight budget. A reliable reel with a strong XT-7 body. Smooth SHIMANO gearing. Aluminium AR-C spool
Product description
The SIENNA is an all round spinning reel which is popular all over the world. Its an ideal choice for the angler who is just beginning with fishing or has a small budget, but still wants to fish with a reliable reel.
The SIENNA is an all round spinning reel which is popular all over the world. Its an ideal choice for the angler who is just beginning with fishing or has a small budget, but still wants to fish with a reliable reel.In this segment, there are many poor quality spinning reels on the market with high specs advertising with 10 ball bearings, etc). The Sienna does not have 10 ball bearings, but it has the quality which Shimano is known for; strong and smooth Shimano gearing, alu spool and a strong XT-7 body.
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