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NGT Jeb Next Generation Tackle ir Angļu tūrisma preču zīmols kas dibināts 2002. gadā! Līdz šodienai par klientiem kļuvuši simtiem tūkstoši makšķernieku un dabas mīļu gan Anglijā gan pasaulē! Tagad esam kļuvuši arī par Sportex, Shimano, Daiwa, Katran, Trakker, Fox, Dynamite Baits, Ccmoore, Nash, Korda, Wolf, Mainline, Ridge Monkey un citu zīmolu pārstāvjiem!
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Spole Daiwa 23 EXCELER LT2000D
DAIWA EXCELER LT ir spole, kurā ir daudzas dārgāku spoļu tehnoloģijas. Šī ir ļoti laba spole savā cenu kategorijā!
EXCELER LT sērija arī ir izstrādāta saskaņā ar jauno LT koncepciju un apvieno veiksmīgo DAIWA tehnoloģiju ar jauno Light & Tough koncepciju. Izmantojot jauno DS5 oglekļa šķiedru materiālu, Daiwa ievērojami samazināja spoles svaru, ievērojami palielināja izturību. Spolei ir ērts mehāniski apstrādāts alumīnija rokturis, stingri savienots ar spoles galveno griezšanas mehānismu. Daiwa Exceler LT sērija sniedz jums vairāk tehnoloģiju un koncepciju, nekā dārgākas citu ražotāju spoles.
Galvenās EXCELER LT priekšrocības:
LT koncepts - maksimāli mazs svars, liela jauda;
DS5 (plānāka un vieglāka);
TOUGH DIGIGEAR® palielināti galvenie zobrati;
CROSS WRAP krusteniska pītās auklas uztīšana;
Infinite Anti-Reverse®;
Twist Buster® speciālas formas auklas uzklājējlociņa rullīša forma, kas novērš auklas savērpšanos;
AIR BAIL® lociņš ar tukšu vidu un speciālu formu;
ATD ™ bremžu sistēma, ko var ļoti precīzi noregulēt;
5 lodīšu gultņi (t.sk. 1 "CRBB®");
CNC griezta alumīnija rokturis.
pārnesums - 5.2:1;
svars - 180 gr;
maksimālā bremžu slodze - 5 kg;
auklas ietinums apgriezienā - 68 cm;
gultņu skaits - 5;
auklas ietilpība m/mm - 150/0.23.
DAIWA Light And Tough Spinning Reel 23 EXCELER LT 2000D
The all new EXCELER LT – Daiwa uses a carbon fiber body called ZAION V. The new version is 3%-5% lighter than the previous EXCELER models. It also comes with an AIRDRIVE ROTOR & AIRDRIVE BAIL with a solid bail wire for its rigidity and resistance to bending during normal use, the thinner, smaller wire is also lighter, which reduces the weight of the rotation, thus reducing the weight of the reel.
Daiwa’s innovative bail design features a hollow tubular stainless steel bail that delivers maximum rigidity and strength with minimum weight. Featuring a smooth protrusion-free design and construction line easily slides unencumbered along the Air Bail towards the line roller for trouble free line control.
Lighter, stronger and more balanced than any rotor system that’s come before, ‘Air Rotor’ delivers a great leap forward in rotor design and function and delivers the ultimate line roller support. Made from Zaion and featuring a redesigned arch that disperses pressure to the lower section of the rotor to reduce stressing and flexing, the design is further enhanced with a hollowed out construction reducing weight, while increasing reel sensitivity and rotational balance.
Daiwa’s Automatic Tournament Drag uses an improved drag grease that exhibits a low viscosity at rest, yet becomes more viscous immediately after drag start up. This reduces initial drag start-up inertia and combined with the structural changes of the ATD Drag System results in a smoother drag from the initial hook up.
A further evolution of its predecessor Digigear, Tough Digigear is a brand new digitally designed, machine cut gearing system that ensures ultimate gear precision, rotational smoothness, and strength.
Gear Ratio:5.2:1
Ball Bearing:5
Capacity Mono:0.16mm/310m,0.20mm/200m,0.23mm/150m
Capacity Braid:PE0.6/400m,PE0.8/300m,PE1.0/260m
Reel Weight:180g/6.3oz
Max Drag:5kg/11lb
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Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.