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NGT Jeb Next Generation Tackle ir Angļu tūrisma preču zīmols kas dibināts 2002. gadā! Līdz šodienai par klientiem kļuvuši simtiem tūkstoši makšķernieku un dabas mīļu gan Anglijā gan pasaulē! Tagad esam kļuvuši arī par Sportex, Shimano, Daiwa, Katran, Trakker, Fox, Dynamite Baits, Ccmoore, Nash, Korda, Wolf, Mainline, Ridge Monkey un citu zīmolu pārstāvjiem!
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Meklē mūs arī:
DUO Fishing Hibrīdais Džiga Āķis Bay RUF BR HEAD
Speciāli veidotais lodes formas un bultas formas hibrīdais džiga āķis no Duo Bay Ruf sērijas ir pilnīgā saskaņā ar Bay Ruf Fish silikoniem, ļaujot izmantot dažādas ievelkšanas tehnikas un mānekļa prezentācijas veidus.
BR Head specifiskais dizains nodrošina gan stabilu horizontālu pozīciju ar smalku kustību un augstas frekvences astes vibrāciju, kad tas tiek vienmērīgi vilkts, gan vilinošu darta un sānu slīdēšanas kustību ar plašu astes izsviestību, izmantojot Darting tehniku.
Atšķirīgo efektu var panākt, izvēloties montāžas veidu attiecībā pret silikona plakano pusi. Turklāt specifiskie spuriņi uz galvas palielina mānekļa efektivitāti, stabilizējot to un palīdzot saglabāt mērķa ūdens slānī.
Duo Bay Ruf BR džiga āķu āķi ir ārkārtīgi izturīgi, un garas cīņas ar lieliem plēsējiem nerada nekādas problēmas. Turklāt stieple pie āķa pamatnes nodrošina vienkāršu un uzticamu silikona fiksāciju, izslēdzot risku, ka tas viegli atdalīsies.
Šie iespaidīgie japāņu džiga āķi ir speciāli izstrādāti jūras asaru makšķerēšanai, taču tie ir lieliska izvēle gan sālsūdens, gan saldūdens makšķerēšanai dažādu zivju lomā, izmantojot plašu mīksto mānekļu klāstu. Papildus tie piedāvā vieglu lietošanu un elastīgu pielietojumu.
- #1/0: 3 g, 5 g, 7 g, 9 g
- #2/0: 12 g, 14 g
DUO Fishing Hybrid Jig Head Bay RUF BR HEAD
The specially designed bullet shaped-arrow shaped hybrid jig head from Duo’s Bay Ruf series works in full sync with Bay Ruf Fish silicones, allowing for different wiring and lure presentation. The specific design of the BR Head provides both a stable horizontal position with fine play and high-frequency tail twitching when driving evenly, as well as appetizing darting and sliding lateral movements with a wide tail sweep when using the Darting technique.
The different effect is achieved by the type of assembly compared to the flat side of the silicone, and the specific fins on the head increase the effectiveness of the bait by further stabilizing it and helping to keep it in the target water layer. The hooks of the Duo Bay Ruf BR jig heads are extremely durable and long battles with large predators are no problem. In addition, the wire at the base of the hooks ensures an easy and reliable fixation of the silicone without the risk of easy removal. This spectacular Japanese Jig Heads are designed specifically for seabass fishing, but are an excellent option for saltwater or freshwater fishing for a variety of fish and with a variety of soft baits, especially when you add the ease of handling and their flexible use.
- #1/0 (3g・5g・7g・9g)
- #2/0 (12g・14g)
DUO Fishing Hybrid Jig Head Bay RUF BR HEAD
The specially designed bullet shaped-arrow shaped hybrid jig head from Duo’s Bay Ruf series works in full sync with Bay Ruf Fish silicones, allowing for different wiring and lure presentation. The specific design of the BR Head provides both a stable horizontal position with fine play and high-frequency tail twitching when driving evenly, as well as appetizing darting and sliding lateral movements with a wide tail sweep when using the Darting technique.
The different effect is achieved by the type of assembly compared to the flat side of the silicone, and the specific fins on the head increase the effectiveness of the bait by further stabilizing it and helping to keep it in the target water layer. The hooks of the Duo Bay Ruf BR jig heads are extremely durable and long battles with large predators are no problem. In addition, the wire at the base of the hooks ensures an easy and reliable fixation of the silicone without the risk of easy removal. This spectacular Japanese Jig Heads are designed specifically for seabass fishing, but are an excellent option for saltwater or freshwater fishing for a variety of fish and with a variety of soft baits, especially when you add the ease of handling and their flexible use.
- #1/0 (3g・5g・7g・9g)
- #2/0 (12g・14g)
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